Page 89 - Fine and Decorative Chinese Work of Arts & Paintings
P. 89

Lot 2971                                                                   Lot 2972

GILT BRONZE GUANYIN FIGURE                                                 GILT BRONZE YAMANTAKA FIGURE
十九/二十世紀 鎏金觀音立像                                                             十九/二十世紀 大威德金剛
19/20th century.                                                           19/20th century.

Standing on small double lotus pedestal, the Guanyin wears long            Stands on wooden stand, the Yamantaka figure has six arms and three
elaborate robe, hands in mudra, eyes closed in serene expression, bottom   heads, embracing a consort in the front.
with a symbol.
                                                                           Height: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm)
Height: 9 in (22.9 cm)                                                     Length: 3 in (7.6 cm)
Width: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm)                                                   Width: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm)
Base Diameter: 3 in (7.6 cm)                                               $800 - $1,000
$800 - $1,000

Lot 2973                                                                   Lot 2974

十八/十九世紀 尼泊爾銅佛母                                                             十九/二十世紀 銅鎏金釋迦摩尼坐像
18/19th century.                                                           19/20th century.

Standing on double lotus throne pedestal, the Tara decorated in elaborate  Seated on double lotus throne in dhyanasana, the Shakyamuni’s hands
beads and crown, with a long strand of flower in her left hand, eyes open  in bhumisparsha mudra, eyes slightly open in serene expression, bottom
in serene expression.                                                      bears symbol.

Height: 17 in (43.2 cm)                                                    Height: 7 1/4 in (18.4 cm)
Width: 6 in (15.2 cm)                                                      Length: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm)
Diameter: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm)                                               Width: 5 in (12.7 cm)
$1,000 - $1,200                                                            $1,200 - $1,500

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