Page 10 - 10.19 catalog
P. 10

21676                                                              21677                                                                  21678

1875 QING DYNASTY GUANGXU YEAR                                     QING DYNASTY SILVER COIN                                               1914 20 CENTS SILVER COIN
                                                                   大清銀幣                                                                   民國三年袁世凱銀幣貳角
COIN                                                               The Qing Dynasty silver coin cast with year, face value, and Man-      The Chinese coin was minted in 1914, with face value of 20 cents.
The Guangxu year coin was minted from Kwang Tung province, with    churian text on one side.                                              Diameter: 7/8 in (2.2 cm)
face value 7 Maces and 3 Candareens.                                                                                                      $500 - $700
Diameter: 1 3/4 in (4.4 cm)                                        Diameter: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm)
$300 - $500                                                        $300 - $500

21679                                                              21680                                                                  21681

1898 QING DYNASTY 20 CENTS COIN                                    1934 CHINESE SOVIET REPUBLIC COIN                                      1923 BEIYANG GOVERNMENT SILVER
光緒24年奉天省造 二角                                                       蘇維埃無產階級聯合起來 貳角
The Chinese coin was minted in 1898, with face value of 20 cents.  The Chinese Soviet Republic coin was minted in 1934, with face value   COIN
Diameter: 7/8 in (2.2 cm)                                          of 20 cents.                                                           The Chinese Beiyang government commemorative coin was minted in
$500 - $700                                                                                                                               1923, with Cao Kun portrait on one side.
                                                                   Diameter: 15/16 in (2.4 cm)                                            Diameter: 1 7/16 in (3.7 cm)
                                                                   $500 - $700                                                            $2,000 - $3,000

21682                                                              21683                                                                  21684

1928 TAIWAN 20 CENTS COIN                                          1929 TAIWAN ONE DOLLAR SILVER                                          A 1921 ONE DOLLAR COIN
民國十七年福建省造黃花崗紀念幣二角                                                                                                                         民国十年 一元
The Republic of China coin was minted in 1928, with face value of  COIN
                                                                   民國十八年孫中山壹元銀幣                                                           Diameter: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm)
20 cents.                                                          The Republic of China coin was minted in 1929, with face value of One  $300 - $500
                                                                   Dollar, and has Sun Yat-sen's portrait on one side.
Diameter: 7/8 in (2.2 cm)                                          Diameter: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm)
$700 - $900                                                        $700 - $900

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