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P. 26

21820                                                              21821                                                              21822

Jade carved ‘Sheep’ figure                                         Jadeite bangle with AIGL certificate                               Jadeite bangle with AIGL certificate
羊羊得意                                                               翡翠手鐲 附AIGL證書                                                       翡翠手鐲 附AIGL證書
The jade figure depicts two sheep lying recumbent on the ground,   The jadeite bangle is of rounded form, the jadeite is of greyish   The jadeite bangle is of rounded form, the jadeite is of greyish
one large and one small, the jade is of greyish-white color tone   and green color tone with mottled interior and translucency.       and green color tone with mottled interior and translucency.
with mottled interior and slight russet.                           Includes AIGL certificate WI85156 indicating natural jadeite.      Includes AIGL certificate WI85158 indicating natural jadeite.
Height: 1 3/16 in (3.0 cm) Length: 1 3/4 in (4.4 cm)               Inner Diameter: 57mm                                               Inner Diameter: 56mm
$6,000 - $8,000                                                    $800 - $1,000                                                      $800 - $1,000

21823                                                              21824                                                              21825

Jadeite bangle with AIGL certificate                               Jadeite bangle with AIGL certificate                               Jadeite carved ornament with certificate
翡翠手鐲 附AIGL證書                                                       翡翠手鐲 附AIGL證書                                                       翡翠墜項鏈 附證書
The jadeite bangle is of rounded form, the jadeite is of greyish   The jadeite bangle is of rounded form, the jadeite is of greyish   The jadeite carved ornament depicts mythical beast amidst ruyi
and green color tone with mottled interior and translucency.       and green color tone with mottled interior and translucency.       lingzhi and bamboo, the jadeite is of greyish green color tone with
Includes AIGL certificate WI85157 indicating natural jadeite.      Includes AIGL certificate WI85159 indicating natural jadeite.      mottled interior and slight translucency. Includes certificate
Inner Diameter: 56mm                                               Inner Diameter: 57mm                                               GS901017313 indicating natural jadeite.
$800 - $1,000                                                      $800 - $1,000                                                      Length: 2 7/8 in (7.3 cm)
                                                                                                                                      $800 - $1,000

21826                                                              21827                                                              21828

Jadeite carved ‘Dragon’ plaque ornament                            Jadeite carved ornament with certificate                           Two jadeite necklace and one jadeite bead
翡翠墜項鏈 附證書                                                          翡翠墜項鏈 附證書
The jadeite plaque ornament is of rectangular form, carved on      The jadeite carved ornament depicts mythical dragon, the jadeite   bracelet
the surface with a flying dragon amidst clouds, the jadeite is of  is of greyish green color tone with mottled interior and slight    翡翠項鏈兩條,手鏈一條,附兩份證書
mottled green and grey color tone with translucency. Includes      translucency. Includes certificate GS501299147 indicating natural  The lot includes two jadeite necklaces and one jadeite bead
Certificate of Jades and Gems GS901012625 indicating natural       jadeite.                                                           bracelet, each consists of similarly sized jadeite beads in brown-
jadeite.                                                           Length: 2 7/8 in (7.3 cm)                                          ish color tone. Includes two certificates indicating natural
Length: 2 15/16 in (7.5 cm)                                        $600 - $800                                                        jadeite.
$800 - $1,000                                                                                                                         Max Length: 31 in (78.7 cm) Min Length: 18 in (45.7 cm) Bracelet Length:
MEGA INTERNATIONAL AUCTION | 26                                                                                                       7 in (17.8 cm)
                                                                                                                                      $400 - $600
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