Page 114 - Fine and Decorative Chinese Work of Arts & Paintings
P. 114

Lot 3030                                            Lot 3031                                             Lot 3032

HARD WOOD CARVED BRUSH POT                          ZITAN WOOD CARVED BRUSH POT                          ZITAN WOOD BRUSH POT
硬木筆筒                                                紫檀雕樹杆筆筒                                              紫檀筆筒
The brush pot carved in naturalistic tree trunk     The brush pot carved in naturalistic tree trunk      Of cylindrical form with slightly tapered body, the
form, with triangular opening on top and irregular  form, with detailed exterior such as branches,       brush pot retains the Zitan wood’s reddish-black
shaped bottom, retains natural wood grains and      leave, holes, and barks, retains natural zitan wood  color and grain, carved from one section of wood.
colors.                                             grains and colors.
                                                                                                         Height: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm)
Height: 6 in (15.2 cm)                              Height: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm)                           Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm)
Diameter: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm)                        Diameter: 3 in (7.6 cm)                              $2,500 - $3,500
$600 - $800                                         $600 - $800

                                                    Lot 3033

                                                    RELIEF CARVED BAMBOO BRUSH POT
                                                    張希黃款 竹雕貴妃醉酒筆筒
                                                    The brush pot carved on the exterior with a scene of ladies having a
                                                    banquet in a garden setting, carved from bamboo section, artist signature
                                                    Zhang Xihuang on the bottom.

                                                    Height: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm)
                                                    Diameter: 5 3/4 in (14.6 cm)
                                                    $800 - $1,200

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